Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mr. Wildcat 2008!!

Hallie Sue and Lane...Little Mr. and Ms. Wildcat of 2008!!
Shae, Luke, Hallie and Lane..Mr. and Ms. Wildcat.
Lane and Hallie
Luke and Lane..studs!!
Love birds...
Me and my baby boy!
Too cute!!

So as you can tell Lane was chosen Mr. Wildcat along with Luke. To say the least it was nearly impossible to keep the boy clean!! First of all we had to be there at six and then of course he didn't go out until half time!! So..I had my work cut out for me!! Lane and Hallie have been boyfriend and girlfriend since preschool and they are pretty serious about each other!! In fact..Shae wanted to be escorted by Lane and Hallie informed her that he was with!! They all looked soo sweet. However Lane and Hallie decided to completely walk off the field instead of standing in was too funny!! Anyways....aside from me about giving Lane a tracheotomy from one of the pins on his ribbon..things went great!!!!