Monday, July 27, 2009

Have to wait one more year!!!!!

Okay...sad news hit the Lindsey household..I have been getting so exctited about having a little one and anticipating to switch my insurance over (we didn't have maternity). So I had been told that it would go into effect immediately and so I didn't worry about anything much..(just switch it over).....Well to my surprise today I was informed by the actual insurance office that I had a 12 month waiting period!!! To some may not be a huge deal but to me..I have to hurt pretty bad!!!!!!! I'm so ready for a little one and to think that I have to wait a year and then 9 months (at the least) just kills me. I just hate having that much more age difference between Lane and baby #2.
However I'm going to try to look at this as positive as I can and love what I have now (Lane) and try to enjoy this special time before baby 2 enters this world. Sorry just had to vent before I explode!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for everyones nice words of encouragement!!! In time...I just have to be patient!!


Emily V. said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm in the same boat with our insurance, I currently don't have maternity either. So your post makes me realize we will need to plan for that extra year. Hang in there. Lane is a doll. He'll be a great big brother no matter when baby #2 gets here.

Whitney said...

I hate this for you! I'm sure it is so disappointing!! I will be remembering you!


Brooke said...

Bless your heart. It makes me irate how insurance companies rule the world! Keep your pretty head up. God has a plan and it will happen in His time. It will make the reward so much sweeter when it comes along though.

Carol said...

Okay, I've been thinking since your text there another company you could go through? I'd try checking around to see. I know this is so disappointing! Just try to keep a positive outlook and maybe something else will work out. Meanwhile, you can hold Elliott any time you want to! ;-) Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

I feel for ya, girl! I thought my maternity insurance would work when I had Preston b/c the pregnancy test was negative at the time, but my insurance wouldn't go into effect until 10 months after I signed up, so I didn't get any money. I have kept the insurance ever since, just in case something happens! I agree with Carol. Maybe you can find a different one that can be used sooner.

Jessica M said...

I really hate that! I don't even know what to say! It will all work out the way it should, though!

Terri A. Stice said...

First of all have I told you how much I love the name Lane! It's one of my favorite little boy names. Next I'll help you to concentrate on the positive. Think about how much planning you will be able to do to prepare for this new addition! Wow, you could have the ultimate plan in place by its arrival. Just think how smoothly everything will go with that much planning time. And if you need help...I'm the planning guru (can you tell planning excites me)!

Lesley said...

Hope you are feeling better - I've been meaning to call and talk to you in person.

You know how excited I am for you and I still will be - we'll just hang on a little longer!

I've been telling this insurance guy that I know he needs to find out what his company's policies are on this type of thing. I am with Carol - you should check around!